Looking at this week’s schedule I noticed we will be viewing a film entitled “Waltz with Bashir.” Frankly, I was a bit confused when I first read this and tried to figure out which book we had to read! Finally after rereading our syllabus again I figured it was a film. So, I did a little research.
“Waltz with Bashir” is film that portrays the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. An Israeli film director interviews veterans from the invasion in order to remember his term in the service during this time. "One night at a bar, an old friend tells director Ari about a recurring nightmare in which he is chased by 26 vicious dogs. Every night, the same number of beasts. The two men conclude that there's a connection to their Israeli Army mission in the first Lebanon War of the early eighties. Ari is surprised that he can't remember a thing anymore about that period of his life. Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends and comrades around the world. He needs to discover the truth about that time and about himself. As Ari delves deeper and deeper into the mystery, his memory begins to creep up in surreal images."
While viewing the trailer of the film on YouTube I was reminded of the film “Waking Life.” Not because the film is animated, but the way in which the characters and scenery are drawn, give us that life-like feel, although animated.
From the trailer it seems like the film is going to be quite violent and graphic, which should be pretty interesting because of the animation. I'm interested to find out why the title has the word "waltz" in it as well.
Below I have provided a few links: One where you can watch the trailer of the film and the other is a site I found some information on where you can watch clips, check out photo galleries, and other fun stuff.
Click Here To Watch The Trailer!
Check Out More Info On The Film!
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